Course Information
All Courses
(Discount Packages Below)
There are 4 games that are considered the pillars of casino dealing: Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat & Craps.
It takes 2 to 4 weeks to complete a course on average. Craps will take longer from 8 to 12 weeks.
For even more affordable deals, be sure to take a look at our bundles down below!
Pai Gow Poker
Single-Zero Roulette
Dice Master
Course Packages
Course Packages provide significant savings and are only available at first registration.
New dealers are required to learn Blackjack first before advancing to other courses.
Please refer to the FAQ area of our site for more information.
Books, worksheets, certifications, it’s all included.
Job placement assistance is included.
Pay now, start anytime.
Blackjack & Baccarat
Save $195!
Blackjack & Roulette
Save $195!
Fast Track: Blackjack & Craps
Save $95!
Blackjack, Baccarat & Roulette
Save $315!
Blackjack, Baccarat & Craps
Save $235!
Blackjack, Roulette & Craps
Save $235!
All 7 Games ++
Save $915!
$1095 $1295